Donate Life PrayerPonies
At this moment, more than 105,000 people in the U.S. are waiting for an organ. Four thousand more people are added to the national waiting list each day. The Donate Life Prayer Pony Mission was created to help raise awareness and to bring comfort and hope to those who are affected.
Donate Life PrayerPonies are each sold separately and will come with a green ribbon & heart shaped pendant engraved with the "Donate Life" name, the Pony's unique identification number and the bible scripture verse Matthew 18:20 "Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there in the midst of them I will be."
Every Donate Life Prayer Pony will be delivered with an inspirational poem"The Magic of Love". We can also include a personalized message from you!
Prayer Ponies for donators, recipients or loved ones of organ donations and life saving transplants.

Hard to believe that 25 years ago I was chosen to be the mother of a true Miracle girl. From day one, Molly was never promised to have a long life. No doctors saw all that was to unfold. I was told over and over that she was far too sick and fragile to live long.I was told many times .... She would not speak ...she did.. She would not walk .. she did ... she would not go to school .. she did .. ...she would never ride .. she did. No one would tolerate her body for love .. She found her true love Corey ...She would never travel out of the US .. she went to Paris ..... she would never marry .. she did.
I was told of all the millions of things she would never be able to do ..she did almost all of them.
I miss her so much that I have a tough time breathing as I write this ...AND my truth? The truth is I was a VERY lucky mother to live with her daily for 24 years never knowing that we would have much longer .. we appreciated every moment. Just wish there could have been 25 more. Loving you on your birthday my dear girl.
~ Melisa Pearce 11/17/13
Molly Pearce-Eaker
Molly left our world at the young age of 24. She was awaiting organs while hospitalized for many months. Her life, love and legacy will live on thru the many who were touched by her incredible life's journey....

The Magic of Love
Love is like magic and it always will be,
For love still remains life's sweet mystery.
Love works in ways that are wondrous and strange,
And there's nothin in life that love cannot change.
Love can transform the most commonplace
Into beauty and splendor and sweetness and grace.
Love is unselfish, understanding and kind,
For it sees with its heart and not with its mind.
Love gives and forgives; there is nothing too much
For love to heal with its magic touch.
Love is hte language that every heart speaks,
For love is hte one thing that every heart seeks...
And were there is love God, too, will abide
And bless the family residin inside.
~ Helen S. Rice
Ingrid Hunt is a beautiful wife and mother of two amazing children. She is also one of my dearest friends since gradeschool. Ingrid is loving, positive, inspirational, blessed and a true testimony of the gife that donating life can be. Two years ago, Ingrid underwent a successful liver transplant that not only saved her life, but transformed it as well. The gift that she recieved will allow her to continue being the incrediable women that we all love, and the beautiful mother that her children need. Coupled with Molly's story above, who was also the daughter of a dear friend of mine, I have myself become more aware and more determined to help raise awarness, hope and healing thru our Donate Life PrayerPony Mission. One year following Ingrid's transplant, she sent a special Pony to the family of her donor. The Pony along with a very personal message was Ingrid's way of showing her true sadness for their loss, and her sincere gratitude for the precious gift of life that she recieved. Ingrid has also become a very important partipant and advocate in our Donate Life Prayer Pony Mission.
~Kim Farmer