Prayer Ponies for the children of prison Inmates
Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners,
& those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering.
~Hebrews 13:3
2017 Will be the third year that we have been able to send Prayer Ponies to the children of those who are incarcerated and this year Andrea Hall and the Prayer Pony Foundation have teamed up with the Larimer County Jail in Colorado, to make Christmas wishes come true!! We strongly believe that beyond the circumstances of any sentence or crime, there are children and loved ones directly affected who can benefit from the love and comfort that a Christmas Prayer Pony can bring. Over the years, we have given prisoners the unique opportunity to bless their children with a Christmas gift. Often times, this is the first and only opportunity that the prisoner has had to offer their child(ren) a gift in many many years. We are honored to partner with Andrea Hall of Withers Wisper, who not only shares our passion, but is paving the way to help this Mission grow!

"I’m a lawyer, speaker, author and coach who loves helping people connect to the truth of what they want and helping them go for it. I’m passionate about supporting people as they find the strength and courage to move past obstacles, break unhealthy patterns and shift perspective to achieve their goals and biggest dreams." ~ Andrea Hall

Andrea M. Hall belongs to a number of professional organizations relating to criminal law and the practice of law. She is a member of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers and the Colorado Criminal Defense Bar Association. Additionally, Ms. Hall belongs to the Colorado Bar Association and the Larimer County Bar Association and the Colorado Horse Council.
Ms. Hall earned her Juris Doctorate from the University of North Dakota School of Law. She also furthered her education by completing International Criminal Justice Studies at the University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway. As an undergraduate, she earned a degree in Criminal Justice from the University of North Dakota. Ms. Hall has also attended the National Criminal Defense College in Macon, Georgia.
Ms. Hall also has authored Sex and Justice a book that covers the nuts and bolts of the legal system when a sex offense is involved.
Andrea has a passion for helping people and has a very strong desire to make a difference in the world. Through her involvement in the legal system she knows that with the right help people can make a change in their life. The Prayer pony program is important to her because people who happen to make a bad choice in their life are not bad people and they should be allowed an opportunity to choose different once they know different. This program allows them to make a difference in the life of someone they may have disappointed or hurt. She believes people do deserve a second chance.

For every $35 Donation we will send a Mini Prayer Pony to a child in your honor.
For every $70 Donation, we will send a Large Prayer Pony to a child in your honor.
As the inmates send in their Prayer Pony request for children, they are asked to respond to four very important questions....
1. Why were you sentenced?
2. What would you like to do differently?
3. What have you learned from this experience?
4. Why do you wish for your child or loved one to have a Prayer Pony?
Without divulging any names or personal details, we will be sharing the requests publicly on our Face Book page. and below on this webpage. Our hope is to offer love, prayer and understanding. We also hope to raise awareness as many others may benefit from the lessons learned in the experiences of our participating inmates.
*Find us on Face Book at Prayer Pony Foundation, Inc.
Applications received that are in need of sponsors. Prayer Ponies will be shipped on Monday, 18th of 2017, just in time for Christmas Delivery!!
(1 large Prayer Pony, Finance)
To Melissa: I love you so much. I am not worthy of your love, but I never want to be without it. You are the shining light in my life and I long for the day I get to say, I DO, to you.
Why would you like for your loved one to receive a Prayer Pony? My fiancé is the greatest person that I know. We dated in high school 30 years ago. We separated when I went into the Army, then last year FB, brought us back together. I was in a bad place, on drugs and yet she saw something still in me and cleaned me up. I had things I had to face which is why I am in prison for five years. But, she tells me that we will face this together. My finance is so strong and loving and without her I would probably be dead because of how I was. She deserves the Prayer Pony because she is truly one of God’s Angels. I haven’t been able to see her for a year now because she lives in GA, but she is always there. Please send her a Prayer Pony.
(1 Large and 1 matching Mini, Mother and Daughter)
To Chelsea: I hope that you will soon forgive me. I want you to know that I love you and that you are forever in my thoughts. Merry Christmas
Why would you like for your loved one to receive a Prayer Pony? My daughter’s mother and I have been apart since my daughter’s second year….I have been coarse and given an insensitive response to her unique circumstances that I regret. I am embarrassed about my incarceration and seek forgiveness and approval from my child.
(1 Large and 1 matching Mini, Mother and Daughter)
To Caydence & Kimberly: My heart, my love, my all to LOVE itself.
Why would you like for your loved one to receive a Prayer Pony? My daughter and her mother are my anchor in the outside world. My daughter is love, by definition in the dictionary.
(2 Large Boy Prayer Ponies)
To Jimariyon: Merry Christmas. I love you my big boy and hope you have a great day. Have fun with your little brother and show him how to play with all the cool stuff. I will be home soon, so we can all play together. Be a good boy and tell your Momma thank you for being a good Momma.
To Jaydon: Merry Christmas. I love you my little big boy. Be good and have fun playing with your Pony and other toys. Tell your Mamma Merry Christmas and that Daddy said Merry Christmas too. I miss you, but I will be home soon.
Why would you like for your loved one to receive a Prayer Pony? I want my two sons to know that even though I’m not with them, that I am thinking of them. Also, to do anything I can to bring a smile to their faces and I am certain this will. I have two boys, ages two and four. I have missed the last two Christmas’s and been unable to give them a gift. These Ponies will be something that they can hold onto and maybe pass down to their kids. If possible could each one of my sons be sent their own Pony. Both of my kids live together with their mother. This is a great thing that y’all are doing and I really appreciate it.
To Sirus and Ronin, 2 Large Boy Prayer Ponies
Why would you like for your loved one to receive a Prayer Pony? I am a 38-year-old single mother of two amazing little boys. This past year has been very hard for all of us. Their father and I divorced after he refused to get help for a mental illness and dur addiction. After twelve years together building a life for our family, we were all broken when it fell apart. I turned to alcohol to dull some of the pain. My shame for my weakness, and for not providing the stability my children needed during this time is overwhelming. Because of my choice to drink as a coping mechanism, I became even more depressed and reckless. I chose to drive drunk and upset on the evening of April 1, 2017 and crashed into another vehicle. Now my children are without their father or mother as I am serving a one-year jail sentence. They will be spending their first Christmas, birthdays, Easter and all of the joys and hurts in-between this year without either of their parents. I know what I did was wrong and that it is hurting my boys and many others immensely, not just me. I know that I can be a better mother, daughter, sister and friend as well as make a more positive impact on this world if I stay away from alcohol and manage my stress in healthy ways. When I am released, I look forward to being reunited with my boys and becoming a worthy role-model. I am hoping that someone will read my story and see that my children deserve all the comfort that Prayer Ponies offer. It would be a powerful and sweet blessing to each of their hearts for my boys to know that they are not alone, that they are special and not forgotten and that they are supported by the love and prayers of others during this confusing and lonely time. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading this and for considering my family as worthy of your gift of love and compassion.
To Janene: Large Prayer Pony, Wife
I am 40 years old. I am here because me and my best friend “my wife” got into an argument, because we weren’t doing so well. We had stopped going to church because we were both working a lot. I mean I would work 6 days a week and on Sunday she would work. So, we never had time for the Lord. That’s where we really messed up. But, anyways I was drinking every day, I mean a lot. Well, I started to get abusive. The she left me and went back home to Washington. So, I bought a car and went to church a few times, but when I went I could not stop crying. I know I messed up. It was the same church we got married at, so I could no longer be there. I started drinking more then I started driving and got busted for DUI. Then I bonded out and got an assault charge, bonded out and got into trouble for the 2nd DUI and assault on a peace officer. So, this time I did not bond out. I knew that I needed to learn. What I have learned since being here is to give up gangs and to stop hanging around and associating with people that want to do other people and our community wrong. And I learned that I don’t need alcohol to get thru the day because I have been reading the bible and I am to stay sober minded and keep my ears and eyes open waiting for our Father’s return. Me and my wife have made amends and I am going back to Washington State to be with her. I am going to bring her back to the Lord. And, I just want to go and be a good husband…you know, sober. I am not going to let work or anything get into the way of me and the Lord and my wife. And, I would like the Prayer Pony to go to her because then she will always have it by her side to let her know that she is not alone. She will have me, the Lord and the pony to remind her that she is loved and that there are real Christian people out there caring for us.
(1 Large Prayer Pony, Friend)
To Sylvia: It’s not very often that some gets their own angel but, you are definitely mine. And, I thank you for being you! This adorable little Pony needed a home and who better to take care of it than you. I send all my love to you. Merry Christmas!
Why would you like for your loved one to receive a Prayer Pony? This young lady has really been a blessing in my life through bad times and good. She was there for me when my mother passed away. She is just an angel sent from heaven and I am very lucky to say she is my Best Friend.
Message sent to the Prayer Pony Foundation, Inc. from an inmate...….
Dear Generous Individual,
I would like to thank you for your generosity and convey to you my sincere gratitude for your understanding of mine and other’s circumstances and especially your efforts to help our children’s Christmas be that much more pleasant.
May God Bless and Keep You!
Merry Christmas, Charles
The Prayer Pony Foundation, Inc. will support many Missions throughout 2017!
Because of your generous support, we will send Prayer Ponies to children who have a parent serving overseas in our US Military. We will send Ponies to children battling cancer. We will send Ponies to children and adults diagnosed with diabetes, ovarian cancer, breast cancer and those affected by heart disease and many other illnesses. We will send Ponies to women dealing with domestic abuse and violence as well as to children and loved ones of prisoners. We will send Ponies to children who have recently lost a parent or sibling and parents who have sadly lost a precious child. We will send Ponies to individuals who have received a life saving organ transplant and to the families who lost the loved one who made the donation possible.
And...this only will scratch our surface. We will also send out as many Prayer Ponies as we can when life's unexpected tragedies occur. At the Prayer Pony Foundation, we know that we can't always prepare for the needs that will arise, but we are trusting in God for His guidance and wisdom to lead our way.
Our Prayer Ponies are meant to bring comfort, hope, strength and love to those who are battling storms in their life. The Ponies are to serve as constant reminders to their recipients, that they are loved unconditionally and are prayed for every day.
Over the years we have seen the beautiful ways that God has opened doors for the Prayer Pony Mission to touch others. With your help it WILL continue to grow and bless others in this special way.
While it will be the Prayer Pony Foundation Board that ultimately chooses where Ponies are delivered during the year, you are welcomed and encouraged to offer suggestions along the way. We want you to know, that without YOU, this would not be possible.
We sincerely thank you for helping to send Prayer Ponies out into the WORLD... Because of you we WILL watch the Prayer Pony Mission become a MOVEMENT!
WITH LOVE & GRATITUDE from the Prayer Pony Foundation, Inc!
Kim Farmer, Founder & CEO
Jody Lyons, Vice President