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T1DE PrayerPony Mission

Prayer Ponies for children battling

Type 1 Diabetes.

This Prayer Pony Mission was specially created in partnership with the T1DE 501 (c)(3) volunteer organization whose mission is to empower individuals and families living with type one diabetes.


We pray that children who are battling Type 1 Diabetes will be blessed with hope, strength, love and encouragement with the gifting of each Prayer Pony.


T1DE Prayer Ponies are each sold separately and will come with a blue pendant engraved with the Pony's personal uplifting name, the Pony's unique identification number and the Pony's Prayer.


We will be honored to also include a personalized message from you!



The Pony's Prayer

10% of each T1DE Prayer Pony adopted is given directly back to the T1DE non-profit organization to help spread awareness, information and support for Type One Diabetes. Thank you for supporting their Mission.

Contact to create your own PrayerPony Mission today!

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