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The Touched by a Horse Community is a very close group of exceptional women and men who have dedicated much of their lives to horses and healing the hearts of humans. In an effort to give back to this community, the Prayer Pony Foundation would like to offer the opportunity for any member of the TBAH program to submit a request for a Prayer Pony to be sent to another TBAH member in need of uplifting. This request can be submitted when a fellow student or graduate is facing extreme medical challenges, loss of a dear loved one (both human or horse) or in circumstances when they are facing a storm and need a gentle reminder of Love & Silver Linings.
You do not have to be a member of the Prayer Pony Foundation to submit a request, however we would love to have you as part of our herd we share the love of God and Horses with many!!

This Touched by a Horse Mission is offered by the Prayer Pony Foundation with special gratitude and gratefulness to Melisa Pearce, for creating the TBAH program and a community of like hearted individuals with a common goal of love, horses and healing for so very many.

We would love to dedicate this Mission to the sweet memory of Penny Harris who was a treasured member of the Touched by a Horse Community and is now a beautiful guardian angel of our herd.
And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.....
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